
Keratin Hair on the Go Travel Kit

In stock
  • Isi: 1pcs Keratin LPP Shampoo 50ml, 1pcs Hydro LPP Treatment 50ml, 1pcs Dermatical Scalp Tonic 50ml
  • Memperkuat rambut saat membersihkan, menjaga warna rambut, mencegah kerusakan, melindungi dari kerusakan akibat sinar matahari
  • Kaya dengan perawatan Protein + silk, pH level 6.0
  • Expiry Date 01/26

Lador Indonesia

La’dor is compound word of Leaf and Adorable. The word ‘Leaf’ is symbol of nature which is related to our naturalism product. The word ‘Adorable’ is lovely feeling which we want to give to our customer.


Memperkuat rambut saat membersihkan, menjaga warna rambut, mencegah kerusakan, melindungi dari kerusakan akibat sinar matahari.

Shampoo + Conditioner + Hair tonic dalam 1 travel kit

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